
Professional Meeting Abstracts/Conference Proceedings

Current and former students also in bold


Thigpen, J.R., M.M. McGlue, C. Cortese, E. Woolery, J. Dilworth, G. Rasbold, K.M. Yeager, S. Whitehead, S. Brown, S. Johnson, 2024. Establishing Jackson Lake as the paleo-seismological ‘type section’ for the Teton Fault, Wyoming, USA. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 9-13, Washington D.C.

Summerlot, K.R., A. Paterson, B. Roberts, M. Bowles, K.M. Yeager, K.J. Schindler, S. Whitehead, A.S. Engel, 2024. Reliable use of Wardenaar core sampler to measure changes in methane production, microbial communities, and soil organic carbon accretion rates from coastal salt marshes. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 9-13, Washington D.C.

McGlue, M.M., N. Mwangala, K.M. Yeager, L. Domingos-Luz, M.J. Soreghan, E. Miller, A.S. Cohen, C. Zytkow, D. Sinyinza, K. Banda, I. Nyambe, 2024. Limnogeological processes and patterns in Nsumbu National Park: A sediment core transect from southern Lake Tanganyika (Zambia). American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 9-13, Washington D.C.

Spanbauer, T.L., M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, R. Errera, J. Dilworth, G.O. Okoko, K.J. Schindler, M.A. Stegner, 2024. Baselines, biodiversity, and basin infill: Using paleolimnology to inform management practices and conservation efforts. North American Paleontological Convention, Jun. 17-21, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Woller, K., M.M. McGlue, J.R. Thigpen, K.M. Yeager, E. Woolery, 2024. CHIRP Acoustic reflection imaging: Toward improving signal processing in extant glacial lakes. Seismological Society of American National Meeting, Apr. 29-May 3, Anchorage, AK


Mwangala, N., M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, 2023. Tracing shifts in Lake Tanganyika’s oxycline using modern and recent sediments: A case study from Nkamba Bay (Zambia). Geological Society of American National Meeting, Oct. 15-18, Pittsburgh, PA

McGlue, M.M., J. Dilworth, J.R. Thigpen, K.M. Yeager, E.W. Woolery, S. Johnson, S.J. Whitehead, C. Cortese, 2023. Paleoenvironmental dynamics of Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming) deduced from CHIRP seismic reflection and sediment cores from Jackson Lake. Geological Society of American National Meeting, Oct. 15-18, Pittsburgh, PA

McGlue, M.M., J.R. Thigpen, E.W. Woolery, K.M. Yeager, S. Brown, G.G. Rasbold, K. Woller, J. Dilworth, C. Cortese, S. Johnson, S. Whitehead, S. Schweitzer, 2023. The case for a long scientific borehole in Jackson Lake, Grand Teton National Park (Wyoming, USA). Geological Society of American National Meeting, Oct. 15-18, Pittsburgh, PA

Schweitzer, S., G.G. Rasbold, J. Dilworth, J.R. Thigpen, K.M. Yeager, E. Woolery, S. Brown,  M.M. McGlue, 2023. Paleofire and paleoenvironmental dynamics revealed in Jackson Lake sediments (Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA). Geological Society of American National Meeting, Oct. 15-18, Pittsburgh, PA

Mwangala, N., M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, M. Soreghan, 2023. Tracing recent shifts in Lake Tanganyika’s oxycline using modern and recent sediments: A case study from Nkamba Bay (Zambia). Society of Exploration Geophysicists International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy, Aug. 28-Sept. 1, Houston, TX


Dilworth, J.R., C.J. Cortese, J.R. Thigpen, S.J. Whitehead, K.M. Yeager, E.W. Woolery, M.M. McGlue, 2022. High-resolution seismic and sediment core investigation of Moran Bay, Jackson Lake, WY. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 12-16, Chicago, IL

Whitehead, S.J., K.M. Yeager, J.R. Dilworth, K.J. Schindler, H.L. Johnson, J.R. Thigpen, E.W. Woolery, M.M. McGlue, 2022. Spatial variability of sediment accumulation in Jackson Lake, Wyoming. International Association of Limnogeology - International Paleolimnology Association (IAL-IPA) Joint Meeting, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, Bariloche, Argentina

Yeager, K.M., S.J. Whitehead, J.R. Dilworth, M.M. McGlue, H. Johnson, K.J. Schindler, J.R. Thigpen, E.W. Woolery, 2022. High-resolution lake infill modeling at Jackson Lake, Wyoming. International Association of Limnogeology - International Paleolimnology Association (IAL-IPA) Joint Meeting, Nov. 27-Dec. 1, Bariloche, Argentina

Lyon, E., A. Erhardt, M.M. McGlue, L. Lopera-Congote, J.R. Stone, K.M. Yeager, 2022. Gull Lake, CA: A new sedimentary archive of historical climate change in the eastern Sierra Nevada. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Oct. 9-12, Denver, CO

Goldsby, R., M. Swallom, J.R. Thigpen, S. Johnson, J. Dortch, E.W. Woolery, M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, 2022. Linking Teton and east Gallatin Fault motion across the Yellowstone hotspot track, Wyoming, USA: Implications for ongoing extension beneath Yellowstone and extension of the active Teton Fault. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Oct. 9-12, Denver, CO

Cortese, C., J.R. Thigpen, M.M. McGlue, E.W. Woolery, K.M. Yeager, J.R. Dilworth, 2022. Attempting to close the seismic “gap” along the Teton Fault through seismic mapping of potential seismites in Jackson Lake, WY. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Oct. 9-12, Denver, CO

Dilworth, J.R., C.J. Cortese, M.M. McGlue, J.R. Thigpen, K.M. Yeager, E.W. Woolery, S.J. Brown, 2022. Preliminary high resolution seismic stratigraphic and sediment core investigation of Jackson Lake (Wyoming). Geological Society of America Joint North-Central and Southeastern Section Meeting, Apr. 7-8, Cincinnati, OH

Johnson, H., M. McGlue, J.R. Thigpen, E. Woolery, K.M. Yeager, S. Brown, J.R. Dilworth, 2022. Recent limnological history of Jackson Lake: Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. Geological Society of America Joint North-Central and Southeastern Section Meeting, Apr. 7-8, Cincinnati, OH


Whitehead, S., K.M. Yeager, R.A. Feagin, T.P. Huff, K.J. Schindler, T.S. Dixon, J.C. Simanek, 2021. Fluxes and inventories of particulate organic carbon in a rapidly evolving growth-faulted coastal wetland. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Biennial Conference, Nov. 1-4 and 8-11, online only (COVID-19)

Johnson, S., M. Swallom, J.R. Thigpen, M.M. McGlue, E. Woolery, J. Dortch, S. Gallen, K.M. Yeager, 2021. Post-glacial fluvial inefficiency. Geological Society of America National Meeting, Oct. 10-13, Portland, OR

Dilworth, J.R., J.R. Stone, M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, J.R. Thigpen, 2021. Diatom paleoecology reveals anthropogenically driven changes at Jackson Lake (Wyoming). Geological Society of American National Meeting, Oct. 10-13, Portland, OR

McGlue, M.M., J.R. Dilworth, H.L. Johnson, K.M. Yeager, J.R. Thigpen, E.W. Woolery, S.J. Brown, C. Cearley, G. Clark, T.S. Dixon, R.C. Goldsby, A. Helfrich, B.N. Hodelka, S.E. Johnson, L.D. Luz, N. Powell, G.G. Rasbold, W. Swanger, S. Whitehead, 2021. Sublacustrine geomorphology and deepwater chemostratigraphy reveal effects of dam installation at Jackson Lake (Wyoming, USA). Geological Society of American National Meeting, Oct. 10-13, Portland, OR

Feagin, R.A., T.P. Huff, K. Hartke, K.M. Yeager, S. Whitehead, 2021. Can sea level rise help us restore coastal wetlands? The hydrologic restoration of the Slop Bowl, Texas. American Shore and Beach Preservation Association, National Coastal Conference, Sep. 28-Oct. 1, New Orleans, LA

Yeager, K.M., 2021. Dated core analysis of Hg in the English-Wabigoon River, Ontario, Canada - Grassy Narrows First Nation - Phase I. Wabigoon Rivers Remediation Panel, Ontario, Canada, Jun. 23, online only (COVID-19) (invited)


Barton, C.D., T.N. Williamson, C.T. Agouridis, K.M. Yeager, W.E. Bond, M. Gerlitz, 2020. Evaluating the influence of the forestry reclamation approach on hydrology on Appalachian coal mines. American Society of Mining and Reclamation Annual Meeting, Jun. 7-11, Duluth, MN


Behm, M., M.H. Williams, M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, M.J. Soreghan, 2019. Seismic interpretation of nearshore sedimentation variation in relation to land use: Lake Tanganyika, Africa. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Dec. 9-13, San Francisco, CA  

Sena, K., K.M. Yeager, J. Lhotka, C. Barton, 2019. Development of mine soils in a chronosequence of FRA-reclaimed sites in eastern Kentucky. Appalachian Regional Reforestation Initiative Annual Meeting, Jul. 24-25, Cambridge, OH  

Sena, K., K.M. Yeager, J. Lhotka, C. Barton, 2019. Development of mine soils in a chronosequence of FRA-reclaimed sites in eastern Kentucky. American Society of Mining and Reclamation Annual Meeting, Jun. 3-7, Big Sky, MT 

Yeager, K.M., R. Smiley, M. Soreghan, I.A. Kimirei, M.M. McGlue, 2019. Detecting spatial variability in sediment accumulation rates at the Tuungane Project co-management site at northern Mahale (Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania) using 210Pb. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Mar. 28-29, Charleston, SC

Schindler, K.J., K.M. Yeager, 2019. Relationships of Gulf of Mexico seafloor characteristics with petroleum hydrocarbons following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Mar. 28-29, Charleston, SC

Lo, E.L., K.M. Yeager, I. Bergier, A. Silva, M.M. McGlue, 2019. Lake infill and its effects on water resources and lake terrestrialization in the South American lowlands. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Mar. 28-29, Charleston, SC

Bond, W., K.M. Yeager, C.D. Barton, R. Smiley, K.J. Schindler, 2019. The forestry reclamation approach: Measuring sediment mass accumulation rates in reclaimed mine lands and naturally regenerated logged forests of eastern Kentucky. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Mar. 28-29, Charleston, SC

Kulp, M.A., N. Dawers, R. Zhang, K.M. Yeager, J. Lopez, M. Hopkins, D. Culpepper, E. McDade, 2019. An evaluation of faulting in Holocene Mississippi River delta strata through the merger of deep 3-D and 2-D seismic data with near-surface imaging and measurements of vertical motion. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Conference, Feb. 4-7, New Orleans, LA


McGlue, M.M., J.S. Lucas, K.M. Yeager, M.J. Soreghan, I.A. Kimirei, A.S. Mbonde, C. Apse, P. Limbu, 2018. Conservation Limnogeology at Lake Tanganyika: New results from the Tuungane Project co-management area at northern Mahale (Tanzania). Geological Society of American National Meeting, Nov. 4-7, Indianapolis, IN


Buongiorno, J., A. Szynkiewicz, A. Faiia, K.M. Yeager, K.J. Schindler, K. Lloyd, 2017. Environmental drivers of microbial abundance and composition in Arctic sediments, Kongsfjorden and Van Keulenfjorden, Svalbard (79°N): Evidence from stable and radioactive isotopes. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, LA  

Briggs, K.B., C.A. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, 2017. Deep-sea macrobenthos community structure proximal to the 2010 Macondo well blowout (2010-2011). American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, LA

Smiley, R., M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, M.J. Sorhgan, J.L. Lucas, I.A. Kimirei, A.S. Mbonde, P. Limbu, C. Apse, 2017. Preliminary nearshore sedimentation rate analysis of the Tuungane Project Northern Mahale Conservation Area, Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania). American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Dec. 11-15, New Orleans, LA 

Lo, E.L., M.M. McGlue, A. Silva, I. Bergier, K.M. Yeager, M. O’Dell, H.A. Macedo, 2017. The Limnogeology of Lake Uberaba: Fluvio-lacustrine sedimentary processes along the distal Paraguay megafan (Pantanal wetlands, Brazil). Geological Society of America National Meeting, Oct. 22-25, Seattle, WA

McGlue, M.M., J. Lucas, K.M. Yeager, R. Smiley, I. Kimirei, A. Mbonde, M. Soreghan, J. Busch, P. McIntyre, C. Apse, P. Limbu, D. Kelly, 2017. A limnogeological toolkit for benthic habitat mapping and fisheries conservation at Lake Tanganyika (East Africa). African Great Lakes Conference, May 2-5, Entebbe, Republic of Uganda


Eddy, J., K.M. Yeager, C.D. Barton, J.D. Phillips, 2016. Hydrologic connectivity and land use effects on sediment accumulation on stream floodplains of the Savannah River Site, South Carolina. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, CA

Ji, W., K.M. Yeager, C.J. Matocha, R.A. Feagin, 2016. Short-term surface elevation variations at Matagorda Peninsula, Texas: A response produced by shrink and swell clays? American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, CA 

Lo, E.L., M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, A. Silva, I. Bergier, H.A. Macedo, M. O’Dell, 2016. Preliminary insights on the limnogeology of Lagoa Uberaba, the Pantanal’s largest lake. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, Dec. 12-16, San Francisco, CA 

Freeman, R.L., S. Bemis, F.R. Ettensohn, A. Fryar, P. Idstein, K.M. Yeager, 2016. A departmental open house for increased engagement and recruiting of general education geoscience students. Earth Educator’s Rendezvous, Jul. 18-22, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI

Rosenheim, B.E., M.A. Pendergraft, B. Walker, E. Druffel, Z. Liu, M. Evans, J. Chanton, D. Hollander, K.M. Yeager, K. Maiti, P. Adhikari, J. Kolasinski, 2016. Overview of oil and degradation product fate from land, the seafloor, and the water column using advanced 14C analysis of organic material. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, Feb. 1-4, Tampa, FL


Peterman, C.L., P.W. Baldwin, J.S. Lucas, M.M. McGlue, K.M. Yeager, 2015. Detrital paleo-records from Lake Tanganyika: A preliminary examination of horst and platform environments. Geological Society of America National Meeting, November 1-4, Baltimore, Md. (#269146).

Feagin, R.A., R.W. Kulawardhana, A.L. Hinson, S.C. Popescu, T.S. Bianchi, K.M. Yeager, R.G. Najjar, K.D. Kroeger, L. Windham-Myers, 2015. Spatial quantification of blue carbon at landscape and continental scales. Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) Conference on Capitalizing on Coastal Blue Carbon, May 12-13, Brockton, Ma.

Feagin, R.A., R.W. Kulawardhana, A.L. Hinson, S.C. Popescu, T.S. Bianchi, K.M. Yeager, K.D. Kroeger, L. Windham-Myers, 2015. Spatial quantification of blue carbon at landscape and continental scales. NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop, April 20-24, College Park, Md.

Rosenheim, B.E., M.A. Pendergraft, J. Kolasinski, K.M. Yeager, K. Maiti, Z. Liu, K.J. Schindler, 2015. Transformation of oil in sediments constrained using advanced 14C analysis. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, February 16-19, Houston, Tx.

Chanton, J., B. Rosenheim, S. Joye, D. Hollander, K.M. Yeager, R. Wilson, S. Bosman, C.A. Brunner, 2015. Radiocarbon tracing of the flux of petrocarbon to the sea floor and coastal foodweb associated with the Deepwater Horizon event. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, February 16-19, Houston, Tx.

Feagin, R.A., R.W. Kulawardhana, A.L. Hinson, S.C. Popescu, T.S. Bianchi, K.M. Yeager, R.G. Najjar, K.D. Kroeger, L. Windham-Myers, 2015. Spatial quantification of blue carbon at landscape and continental scales: Work at the Coastal Ecology and Management Lab. North American Carbon Program Conference, January 26-29, Washington, D.C.


Brunner, C.A., K.M. Yeager, R.A. Feagin, 2014. Foraminiferal evidence for sediment deformation caused by late Holocene faulting in a backbarrier lagoon, Matagorda, Texas, USA. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, Ca. (#EP31D-3565).

Woodruff, O., K.M. Yeager, T. Wade, P. Louchouarn, S. Bonner, M. Rutledge, 2014. Temporal and spatial characterization of Macondo 252 signatures in Gulf of Mexico shelf and slope sediments: Evidence of weathering, biodegradation, and transport. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, December 15-19, San Francisco, Ca. (#OS33B-1064).

Hixson, J., J. Stone, K.M. Yeager, K.J. Schindler, 2014. Eutrophication tracking through inter-connected kettle lakes in agricultural Indiana. Geological Society of America National Meeting, October 19-22, Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Wu, W., K.M. Yeager, M.S. Peterson, R. Fulford, 2014. Neutral models as a way to evaluate the Sea Level Affecting Marshes Model (SLAMM). U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE) Meeting, May 18-22, Anchorage, Ak.

Cruz, V.J., C.A. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, K. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, 2014. Assemblage comparisons of living benthic foraminifera within bathyal oiled and un-oiled sites of the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Mississippi Academy of Sciences 78th Annual Meeting, March 6-7, Hattiesburg, Ms.

Peterson, M.S., J.-M. Havrylkoff, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, K.M. Yeager, 2014. Do macrobenthic prey and physical habitat characteristics explain differential estuarine critical habitat use patterns in a western Gulf Sturgeon population? Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Spring Meeting, January 22-26, Charleston, Sc.


Hatch, R.S., K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, T.L. Wade, K.B. Briggs, K.J. Schindler, 2013. Sal marsh sediment mixing following petroleum hydrocarbon exposure from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, Ca.

Wolfe, P.C., K.M. Yeager, R.A. Feagin, C.A. Brunner, K.J. Schindler, 2013. Characterizing sedimentary responses to coastal faulting using high-resolution geochronology and sedimentology: East Matagorda Peninsula, Texas. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, December 9-13, San Francisco, Ca.

Bera, G., A.M. Shiller, K.M. Yeager, 2013. The delivery, speciation and fate of trace elements in a shallow estuarine system, St. Louis Bay, Mississippi, USA. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation 22nd Biennial Conference, November 3-7, San Diego, Ca.

Feagin, R.A., K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, J.G. Paine, 2013. Active fault motion in a coastal wetland: Matagorda, Texas. Bingamton Geomorphology Symposium, October 18-20, Newark, Nj.

Prosser, S.A., K.M. Yeager, K.J. Schindler, 2013. Fluvial response to growth faulting in the Pearl River delta, Louisiana. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Rocky Mountain Rendezvous, September 27-30, Laramie, Wy.

Wolfe, P.C., K.M. Yeager, R.A. Feagin, C.A. Brunner, K.J. Schindler, 2013. Holocene sedimentary responses to growth faulting in a back-barrier setting: East Matagorda Peninsula, Texas, USA. American Association of Petroleum Geologists - Society of Exploration Geophysicists Student Expo, September 16-17, Houston, Tx.

Peterson, M.S., J.-M. Havrylkoff, P.O. Grammer, P.F. Mickle, W.T. Slack, K.M. Yeager, 2013. Macro-benthic prey and physical habitate characteristics in a western Gulf Sturgeon population: Differential estuarine habitat use patterns. American Fisheries Society 143rd Annual Meeting, September 8-12, Little Rock, Ar. (#Th-HO-3).

Bera, G., A.M. Shiller, M. Shim, K.M. Yeager, 2013. The delivery, speciation and fate of trace metals in a shallow estuarine system, St. Louis Bay, Mississippi, USA. 12th International Estuarine Biogeochemistry Symposium, June 30‐July 4, Plymouth University, Plymouth, UK.

Briggs, K.B., S. Shivarudrappa, C.A. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, 2013. Macrobenthic community response to PAH exposure near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. 42nd Annual Benthic Ecology Meeting, March 20‐24, Georgia Southern University, Savannah, Ga.

Cruz, V.J., C. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, K.B. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, 2013. Bathyal assemblages of live, benthic foraminifera near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, northern Gulf of Mexico. Geological Society of America Southeastern Section Meeting, March 20‐21, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Bera, G., A.M. Shiller, M. Shim, K.M. Yeager, 2013. Anthropogenic stable Cesium in water and sediment of a shallow estuary, St. Louis Bay. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February 17‐22, New Orleans, La.

Cruz, V.J., C. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, K.B. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, 2013. Bathyal assemblages of live, benthic foraminifera near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, January 21‐23, New Orleans, La.

Brunner, C.A., K.M. Yeager, K.B. Briggs, J. Keim, P. Louchouarn, R.S. Hatch, K.J. Schindler, 2013. Effect of oil contamination on infauna of Louisiana and Mississippi marshes with implications for marsh functioning. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative, Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, January 21‐23, New Orleans, La. (invited).


Brunner, C.A., K.M. Yeager, K.B. Briggs, J. Keim, P. Louchouarn, R.S. Hatch, K.J. Schindler, 2012. Effect of oil contamination on infauna of Louisiana and Mississippi marshes with implications for marsh functioning. American Geophysical Union National Meeting, December 3‐7, San Francisco, Ca. (#B14A‐05).

Brunner, C.A., J. Keim, K.M. Yeager, K. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, 2012. The effects of oil from the Macondo blowout on infaunal foraminifera of Louisiana and Mississippi marshes. Mississippi‐Alabama Sea Grant Consortium Bays and Bayous Symposium, November 14‐15, Biloxi, Ms.

Cruz, V.J., C.A. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, K.B. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, 2012. Bathyal assemblages of live benthic foraminifera near the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, northern Gulf of Mexico. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 4‐7, Charlotte, Nc. (#247‐3).

Brunner, C.A., J. Keim, K.M. Yeager, K.B. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, 2012. Effect of oil from the Macondo blowout on infaunal foraminifera of Louisiana and Mississippi marshes. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 4‐7, Charlotte, Nc. (#220‐2).

Bera, G., A.M. Shiller, K.M. Yeager, 2012. Trace metal and dioxin deposition history in Hurricane Katrina impacted marsh sediment. American Academy of Sciences International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, June 25‐29, Houston, Tx. (#887).

Brunner, C.A., K.B. Briggs, V. Cruz, P. Louchouarn, K.M. Yeager, 2012. Responses of benthic communities to hydrocarbon exposure in bathyal sediments surrounding the Macondo wellhead. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, May 23‐24, Stennis Space Center, Ms. (invited).

Shiller, A.M., D. Joung, T.L. Wade, J.L. Sericano, S.T. Sweet, K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, P. Louchouarn, 2012. Deepwater Horizon polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon distribution and modification from wellhead to coastal marshes. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 20‐24, Salt Lake City, Ut. (#A0301).

Williams, F.M., C.B. Brunner, K.M. Yeager, 2012. Lithostratigraphy of a Holocene transgressive barrier island near Spring Bayou, East Matagorda Bay, TX. J. of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 57(1): 122.

Bera, G., A.M. Shiller, K.M. Yeager, 2012. The delivery, speciation and fate of toxic metals in St. Louis Bay, Ms. J. of the Mississippi Academy of Sciences 57(1): 119.


Shiller, A.M., D. Joung, T.L. Wade, J.L. Sericano, S.T. Sweet, K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, P. Louchouarn, 2011. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon, trace element, and nutrient distributions as affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Principal Investigator Conference, National Science and Technology Council Sub‐Committee on Ocean Science and Technology (NSTC SOST), October 25‐26, St. Petersburg, Fl.

Feagin, R.A., K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, 2011. Fault‐driven sea level rise, accretion, and land loss in a barrier island salt marsh. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Annual Conference, Societies, Estuaries and Coasts: Adapting to Change, November 6‐10, Daytona Beach, Fl. (#SCI‐034).

Colon‐Rivera, R.J., R.A. Feagin, J.B. West, K.M. Yeager, 2011. Hydrological connectivity in salt marsh ponds: Multiple methods including gauges, water isotopes, and LIDAR elevation models. Isoscapes 2011, September 26‐27, Purdue University, West Lafayette, In.

Yeager, K.M., C.A. Brunner, K.B. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, L. Guo, V. Asper, T.L. Wade, J.L. Sericano, K.J. Schindler, K.M. Martin, J. Prouhet, N. Couey, C. Fortner, J. Loeffler, L. Dedeaux, 2011. Deepwater Horizon: Marsh margin to deep ocean sedimentary impacts. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, May 17‐19, Mobile, Al. (invited).

Milroy, S.P., A.M. Moshogianis, C.A. Brunner, S. Howden, K.M. Yeager, 2011. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination within Mississippi Sound Biota: Preliminary analyses of bioaccumulation, depuration, and likely routes of exposure. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, May 17‐19, Mobile, Al. (invited).

Lohrenz, S., K. Gundersen, L. Guo, A.M. Shiller, S. Howden, K. Briggs, C.A. Brunner, V.L. Asper, S. Milroy, K.M. Yeager, 2011. A comprehensive assessment of oil distribution, transport, fate and impacts on ecosystems and the Deepwater Horizon oil release. Northern Gulf Institute Annual Conference, May 17‐19, Mobile, Al. (invited).

Yeager, K.M., C.A. Brunner, K.B. Briggs, P. Louchouarn, L. Guo, V. Asper, K.J. Schindler, K.M. Martin, J. Prouhet, N. Couey, C. Fortner, 2011. Deepwater Horizon: Coastal ocean to marsh margin sedimentary impacts. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Annual Convention and Exhibition, April 10‐13, Houston, Tx. (#90124).

Louchouarn, P., K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, K. Briggs, L. Guo, V. Asper, Z. Zhou, K.J. Schindler, K.M. Martin, J. Prouhet, J. Loeffler, N. Couey, C. Fortner, A. Jung, 2011. Deepwater Horizon: Coastal ocean to marsh margin sediment impacts. American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exhibition, March 27‐31, Anaheim, Ca.

Loeffler, J.K., C. Brunner, L. Dedeaux, K.M. Yeager, K.J. Schindler, 2011. Intertidal foraminifera of the Mississippi and Chandeleur Sounds: Effect of Deepwater Horizon oil spill obscured by erosion. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 43(3): 12.

Feagin, R.A., R.J. Colón‐Rivera, J.B. West, K.M. Yeager, 2011. Hydrological connectivity in salt marsh ponds: Multiple methods including tidal gauges, water isotopes, and LIDAR elevation models. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting, February 13‐18, San Juan, Puerto Rico, (#S57‐326).


Yeager, K.M., C. Brunner, L. Guo, P. Louchouarn, K. Briggs, 2010. NSF RAPID and NGI‐BP: Response of benthic communities and sedimentary dynamics to hydrocarbon exposure in intertidal, neritic and bathyal ecosystems of the northern Gulf of Mexico. National Science Foundation: Collaborative Scientific Research Opportunities Relative to the Gulf Oil Spill, November 1‐2, New Orleans, La. (invited).

Yeager, K.M., P. Louchouarn, R. Brinkmeyer, P.H. Santschi, K.J. Schindler, 2010. Reconstructing historical dioxin contamination in the Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas by sediment radiodating. 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), September 12‐17, San Antonio, Tx. (#1666).

Brinkmeyer, R., A.S.C. Hieke‐Rambo, S. Zhang, C. Xu, K.J. Schindler, P. Louchouarn, K.M. Yeager, P.H. Santschi, 2010. Factors influencing microbial degradation of dioxins in the Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas. 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), September 12‐17, San Antonio, Tx. (#1670).

Louchouarn, P., S. Seward, R. Brinkmeyer, G. Cornelissen, K.M. Yeager, P.H. Santschi, 2010. Role of black carbon and amorphous organic carbon on the partitioning of dioxin and other hydrophobic organic contaminants in sediments of the San Jacinto super fund site, Houston Ship Channel. 30th International Symposium on Halogenated Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), September 12‐17, San Antonio, Tx. (#1677).

Yeager, K.M., R.A. Feagin, C.A. Brunner, M.A. Kulp, K.J. Schindler, J. Prouhet, D. Fischer, J.M. Johnson, 2010. Significance of active growth faulting on northern Gulf of Mexico coastal marsh accretion processes. Eos Transactions, AGU 91 (26), Meeting of the Americas Supplemental (#OS42B‐07).

Prouhet, J., K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, M.A. Kulp, K.J. Schindler, B. Penrose, 2010. Autocompaction rates across a suspected growth fault, Pearl River marsh, Louisiana, USA. Eos Transactions, AGU 91 (26), Meeting of the Americas Supplemental (#GC11B‐01).

Prouhet, J., K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, M.A. Kulp, K.J. Schindler, 2010. Quantifying autocompaction of the Pearl River marsh, La. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Meeting, April 11‐14, New Orleans, La. (#729294).

Briggs, K.B., K.M. Yeager, V. Hartmann, S. Shivarudrappa, 2010. Sedimentary history and biogenic mixing at sites affected by seasonal hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. American Geophysical Union Ocean Sciences Meeting, February 22‐26, Portland, Or. (#GO21A‐01).


Seward, S., P. Louchouarn, R. Brinkmeyer, G. Cornelissen, K.M. Yeager, P.H. Santschi, 2009. Black carbon and amorphous organic carbon distribution in sediments of the Houston Ship Channel: Implications for PAH and dioxin speciation and bioavailability. Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation Conference, November 1‐5, Portland, Or. (#31‐E).

Hartmann, V., K. Briggs, S. Shivarudrappa, K.M. Yeager, R. Diaz, 2009. The impact of hypoxia on bioturbation rates in the Louisiana continental shelf, northern Gulf of Mexico. OCEANS 2009 Marine Technology Society/Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Meeting, October 26‐29, Biloxi, Ms.

Prouhet, J., K.M. Yeager, 2009. Autocompaction rates of the Holocene stratum of the Pearl River Marsh, La. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 41(7): 451.

Fischer, D., M.A. Kulp, K.M. Yeager, C.A. Brunner, 2009. Investigation of neotectonic activity within the shallow, unconsolidated Holocene stratigraphy of the Pearl River delta area, Louisiana. Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies Transactions 59: 279.

Yeager, K.M., C.A. Brunner, M.A. Kulp, 2009. Assessing tectonic and associated drivers of subsidence and consequent impacts on coastal marshlands: The Pearl River marsh, Louisiana. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / U.S. Geological Survey: Coastal Restoration and Enhancement through Science and Technology (CREST) Program Annual Meeting, September 16, New Orleans, La. (invited).

Brinkmeyer, R., P.H. Santschi, A.S.C. Hieke, P. Louchouarn, B. Johnson, K.M. Yeager, 2009. Factors regulating microbial degradation of dioxins in estuarine sediments: Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas. Ninth Biennial State of the Bay Symposium: What is Needed to Sustain Our Estuary?, January 12‐14, Galveston, Tx. (invited).


Santschi, P.H., K.M. Yeager, R. Brinkmeyer, A.S.C. Hieke, P. Louchouarn, K.J. Schindler, B. Johnson, G. Bera, 2008. Factors regulating microbial degradation of dioxins in estuarine sediments: Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas. Texas Sea Grant Researcher Conference, September 24, Texas A&M University, College Station, Tx. (invited).

Feagin, R.A., K.M. Yeager, 2008. Salt marsh accretion and erosion on the Upper Texas Coast. Texas General Land Office: Texas Coastal Conference, September 25‐27, Galveston, Tx. (invited).


Hieke, A.S.C., P.H. Santschi, K.M. Yeager, R. Brinkmeyer, 2007. Diversity and distribution of bacterial communities in dioxin‐contaminated sediments from the Houston Ship Channel. Estuarine Research Federation National Meeting, November 4‐7, Providence, Ri.

Brinkmeyer, R., A.S.C. Hieke, K.M. Yeager, P.H. Santschi, 2007. Factors regulating microbial degradation of dioxins in estuarine sediments: Houston Ship Channel and Galveston Bay, Texas. Texas Sea Grant Researcher Conference, October 10, University of Texas Marine Science Institute, Port Aransas, Tx.

Yeager, K.M., P.H. Santschi, H. Rifai, M. Suarez, R. Brinkmeyer, C.‐C. Hung, K.J. Schindler, M. Andres, E.A. Weaver, 2007. Dioxin chronology and fluxes in sediments of the Houston Ship Channel, Texas: Influences of non‐steady state sediment transport and total organic carbon. EOS Transactions AGU, 88 (23), Joint Assembly Supplement (#H33C‐04).


Yeager, K.M., P.H. Santschi, K.J. Schindler, M.J. Andres, E.A. Weaver, 2006. The relative importance of terrestrial versus marine sediment sources to the Nueces‐Corpus Christi Estuary, Texas: An isotopic approach. EOS Transactions AGU, 87 (36), Joint Assembly Supplement (#OS01‐841).


Yeager, K.M., P.H. Santschi, J.D. Phillips, B.E. Herbert, 2005. Suspended sediment sources and the importance of transient storage and human agency as indicated by radionuclides in the Loco Bayou watershed, Texas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 37(3): 34.


Yeager, K.M., P.H. Santschi, G. Rowe, K.J. Schindler, 2004. Sedimentation and radionuclide inventories (239,240Pu, 210Pb and 234Th) in the northern Gulf of Mexico, the importance of macrofauna and organic matter. EOS Transactions AGU, 84(52), Ocean Science Meeting Supplemental (#OS22C‐0014).


Yeager, K.M., P.H. Santschi, J.D. Phillips, B.E. Herbert, 2002. Sources of alluvium in a coastal plain stream based on radionuclide signatures from the 238U and 232Th decay series: Hillslope to channel coupling and the effects of human agency. Texas A&M University 125th Anniversary Symposium: A Sustainable Gulf of Mexico: Research, Technology and Observation 1950‐2050, College Station, Tx. (invited).


Yeager, K.M., P.H. Santschi, J.D. Phillips, B.E. Herbert, 2000. Resolution of fluvial sediment sources, residence times and resuspension using lithogenic, atmospheric and cosmogenic radionuclides, Bayou Loco, Texas. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 32(7): A23.